First, I changed the main picture because people were concerned about looking at my half dressed picture while at work. Okay, they didn't like looking at it at all. I guess my Adonis like build was making people uncomfortable. There is nothing uncomfortable about the picture up there now. Don't worry Nick, I will change my picture from time to time...let me know what picture you like the best. It's all about you Nicki.
Today we ran 17 miles around greater Des Moines. Actually it was just Des Moines, nothing greater about it.
We ran a bit slower today only averaging 7:50 pace for the 17 miles. That was with 4 sub 7:00 miles at the beginning and end. Six of the miles were over 8:00 pace.
I ran 2 miles before the group run and 2.5 miles after. With your great math skills you can tell that the group route was 12.5 miles. Take a look at the Garmin info HERE.
After the run we met at La Mie for a big breakfast. Nick, Lizzie, Curtis, Sam, Teresa and I sat down for some very good eats. I forgot to order Teresa the potatoes the first time around. Oops.
Lizzie had the idea that I should pick someone to "talk about" each week to improve readership. Is it really possible to get more that 2 readers a week? Dream big huh? I told her I would highlight her the first time out...maybe next time.
Let's see, what did we learn today?
- Curtis had a date with Jenn
- Teresa wants to start a reality show called Surprise Wedding
- Sam hurt his Achilles during the run and needed to be at pictures for a wedding in 30 minutes...but needed to drive home, shower, change, and drive back first. Good luck with that. Oh yeah, and he got picked up by the Popo for running while intoxicated last week.
- I am awesome.
- Nick should have put the top on his Jeep this morning.
- Lizzie should wear a jacket when she rides with Nick.
- and I am awesome.
that was close to talking about people- I like it, making progress. I like the dragon joose ALOT. Best day ever