Sunday, August 30, 2009

32 in 2

Not sure yet if this was a smart choice.  After running 17 miles yesterday, I decided to run 15 miles today.  Hence the title - 32 in 2.

This could have been the smartest training decision I've made this year...or the worst idea I've had this year.  And I have had a lot of bad ideas.

I was looking at my mileage last night and was debating if I should run again (Saturday) or try and get some extra miles in today.  Saturday's run was a pretty easy pace and I didn't stress or strain anything.

With a 50 miler in 2 months, it should make sense to train my body to run tired.  What I didn't expect was to run a very hard tempo for 15 miles on tired legs.  I ended the run with an average pace of 6:33.  I'm not sure how smart that was either...I am feeling it big time.

The weather today was perfect.  Cool temps at 64 degrees, overcast, almost no wind.  I could not have had a better day for the run.

See info from the Garmin on today's run HERE.

I know you are sitting there reading this and asking, "Chris, what did you do to recover from this back to back beast of a week-end?"  Excellent question, and thank you for asking.

I took an ice bath for 10 painful minutes, had a chicken breast and G2.  Later I went to Fuel for a healthy Smoothie.  Goood.

Tomorrow might be a bad day...

1 comment:

  1. 200 calorie recovery. Nice. Thanks for changing the picture. I had my mouse poised over the screen to cover up what ever you had in store for us.
