Monday, September 13, 2010

Not just a running blog anymore

A funny thing happened at the gym today.  I pumped some iron.  I needed to start some sort of strength program...I have needed to start some sort of strength program for a while.

Pete asked me how long I have taken off from lifting.  I have kind of taken my whole life off from lifting.  So I guess almost 39 years would be the appropriate answer.  It may be a shock to some of you that I don't subscribe to a serious strength training program.  I have the upper body of an 11 year old Ethiopian boy...just hairier.  I know - gross.

Okay so what did I do?  Ran for 24 minutes at a pretty easy pace with Curtis.  We will just call it an even 3 miles.

When I asked Feldman if it was okay that used 30 pound dumbbells for my bench, she did well to control her laughter.  So I acted like a big boy and grabbed two 35 pounders and did 3 sets of 12.  The last set was rough.

Then I did chest press (or something else) 3 sets of 12 at 50 pounds.  Holla!

I couldn't eat dinner because I can't raise my arms.  Sad. Very sad.

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