Monday, September 13, 2010

Not just a running blog anymore

A funny thing happened at the gym today.  I pumped some iron.  I needed to start some sort of strength program...I have needed to start some sort of strength program for a while.

Pete asked me how long I have taken off from lifting.  I have kind of taken my whole life off from lifting.  So I guess almost 39 years would be the appropriate answer.  It may be a shock to some of you that I don't subscribe to a serious strength training program.  I have the upper body of an 11 year old Ethiopian boy...just hairier.  I know - gross.

Okay so what did I do?  Ran for 24 minutes at a pretty easy pace with Curtis.  We will just call it an even 3 miles.

When I asked Feldman if it was okay that used 30 pound dumbbells for my bench, she did well to control her laughter.  So I acted like a big boy and grabbed two 35 pounders and did 3 sets of 12.  The last set was rough.

Then I did chest press (or something else) 3 sets of 12 at 50 pounds.  Holla!

I couldn't eat dinner because I can't raise my arms.  Sad. Very sad.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I ran a lot more miles than I thought I would this weekend.  12 on Saturday & 20 today (Sunday)...adds up to 61.45 miles for the week.

Probably not the best idea for the week.  That was too many miles too close to Pikes Peak.  But, everything feels pretty good, just dead legs.

BTW - looks like I am going to do Dallas.

Weekly totals below

Count:6 Activities
Distance:61.45 mi
Time:07:35:42 h:m:s
Elevation Gain:741 ft
Avg Speed:8.1 mph
Calories:6,208 C

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tempo Attempt

Well, I tried to run a tempo effort today.  It didn't really go according to plan.

The plan was to run a 3 mile easy warm up / 3 miles at sub-6:20 pace / 3 mile easy cool down.

I don't think I got any of it right.  I ran the first three miles not so easy and then gutted it out through one tempo mile at 6:20 pace.  It was clear I couldn't go back to back, so I decided to run another easy mile, and then another tempo...and so on all the way to nine miles.

But I messed it up again.  My "easy" mile came in at 7:10 and I barely survived a 6:17 sixth mile.  That pretty much did me in, so I walked a mile and went home.  The story of my running career - slow miles too fast - fast miles too slow.      "It takes confidence to run slow, when your legs feel fast."

My splits are below...


The legs are still a flat.  I have almost no speed.  Looks like long slow runs are on the docket for me for a while.

I still want to get to 50 miles this week... 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another try at animation

Well, yesterday was fun so I thought I would animate my blog entry again. This time it is actually about today's run. Hope you enjoy!  FYI - the other Robot is Curtis.  Mean little robot...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I was trying a way to become a bigger nerd.  I think I found it.  I animated my blog.

Check it out here BLOG VIDEO