Monday, November 2, 2009

New Shoes old man

I need some motivation.  My 4 mile run felt less than good.

But before I forget...New York was great!  I was almost there to watch the first US runner win the New York Marathon since 1985 or something like that.  By almost, I had to leave to catch my flight and the winners came by 15 minutes after we left the finish area.  Boo.

I was pulling for Paula to win too, but it wasn't to be.

My (everything below the knee) area has been bothering for too long now.  So I broke down and bought new shoes today.  The Brooks Summon.  Hopefully it will summon some motivation for me to train better or more.  It will probably summon an injury.  Sweet.

I ran 4 miles at 6:48 pace...dumb.  If I ran more often I wouldn't feel so fresh on the days I do run.  I hope these new shoes make me faster and let me train less.  And I want a million dollars.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

New York, New York

I am putting this post up from my phone...never done that before. It is pretty cool to be sitting here at Starbucks across from Central Park, waiting for the New York Marathon runners to come by.

On Friday Teresa and I ran around Central Park. It was not was very cool. There were runners everywhere. People were setting up for the NYC Marathon. I heard every language I could imagine.

I ran 6.5 miles at a 6:57 pace. It did not feel are a problem.

Teresa ran about 4 miles and got some great pictures.

This is a lot more work on my phone then I thought.